Canada Drug Rehab is a free online directory listing of alcohol treatment, drug rehab, and detox programs (*) and other addiction-related services located in Canada. is dedicated to helping Canadians, their families and addiction treatment professionals by maintaining a website that is:

  • Accurate
  • Comprehensive
  • Current
  • Easy to use
  • Focused on addiction
  • Objective is a public service provided by Sunshine Coast Health Centre, a private alcohol treatment and drug rehab program for men located near Vancouver, British Columbia.

If you require assistance locating a service Contact Us and we will respond to your inquiry.

If you are an alcohol and drug rehab program provider please select List Your Program to be included in this directory or to update your current listing.

(*) Note: While counsellors and other professionals in the addiction field often prefer the term “chemical dependency” over “alcohol and drug addiction” and “treatment” over the term “rehab,” the editors of have chosen to stay with “alcohol and drug rehab” due to it’s greater familiarity with the general public.

Phone Numbers

Toll-free : 1-877-746-1963

Web Links

This program was last updated on 07 Mar 2018.