Mental Health / Counselling - Counselling - Registered Counsellors
Katy Johnson Brookes, M.A., R.C.C.
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor in Mission, BC providing counselling for individuals, couples, and families. I am able to provide counselling for a range of issues such as separation and divorce, postpartum adjustment (couple and individual), anxiety and depression, and relationship conflict. I am registered with the crime victim assistance program of BC and can assist individuals with recovery from trauma related to crime or abuse. I offer a free 1/2 hour consultation. more info
Thrive Counselling
Family Doctor Register for a Family Physician
The Division is no longer accepting new patients for registration on Fetch, our patient wailist for a family physician.
All new patients must register on Health Connect, the provincial government waitlist for family doctors in BC. Please see the link above.
If you are already registered on Fetch you will be contacted when a family physician becomes available; you will not lose your place on the waitlist.